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New Resources Thanks to Summer Fair

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16th Jul 2024

Not only did staff, students and the wider community have a fantastic time at our Summer Fair a few weeks ago, it also generated nearly £5,000 for school funds. The money you helped raised has enabled us to buy some wonderful resources that will benefit students in all year groups.

This week we have took delivery of ten gorgeous new sewing machines for our Textiles department. The new additions will be used by Key Stage 3 students to create bag projects like the ones on display in the image below.

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We have also been able to purchase 40 visualisers to help bring the curriculum alive for our students. Also known as a document camera, the new technology enables a range of non-digital resources to be shared with the entire class, and will be transformational for students from Year 7 all the way through to Year 13.

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A huge thank you to everyone who came to the Summer Fair - the resouces we have bought are only possible due to your support.