Sixth Form Dress Code

Students should dress in a way that is “appropriate to a professional working environment”. Our dress code is therefore not as formal as a uniform, but it is more formal than casual clothes. By complying with this code Sixth Form students set an excellent example to the rest of the school.

To give some clarity the following points apply;

  • Ripped, dirty, faded and frayed clothes and shoes are not allowed. They cannot be considered smart casual clothes
  • Trousers should be clean with no extreme decoration such as studs and patches. Jeans, including blue denim and denim look materials in other colours are allowed. Extreme styles are not allowed including over-large trousers of any style
  • Shorts of any kind are not permitted
  • Leggings may only be worn if they are covered by a dress or long top. The top should be at least mid-thigh in length
  • Flip-flops or any other shoes that are not strapped to your feet are unsafe in school as they present a health and safety risk
  • Clothing should not be revealing at the neckline, waist or hips. No underwear should be visible
  • Strapless tops and tops with thin straps are not allowed, this includes vests and dresses (Tops should cover the shoulders)
  • Football shirts or any tops that have offensive decoration or wording are not permitted
  • Skirts/dresses (no strappy sun dresses) without thick tights must be no shorter than mid-thigh
  • Tracksuit or jogging bottoms should never be worn, this includes leisure trousers made of jogger or velour material
  • Logos should be discreet, and all clothing should be appropriate for a place of study
  • Piercings should be discreet and appropriate for a school setting

The final decision on whether a student’s attire is acceptable lies with the Sixth Form staff and dress code infringements will be pointed out to the students concerned. This will be recorded on ClassCharts and a period 5 detention will be set. We may provide alternative clothing to be worn for the day.

Parents of students who are repeatedly found flouting the dress code will be informed and students will be sent home to change.

Repeat offenders will have all permitted absence removed and will be required to report to the Sixth Form team at the start of every non-contact period.