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Year 7 students Show Off Their Creativity

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25th Jun 2024

This week, the Sixth Form Common Room was transformed into our very own Gallery showcasing artwork by our talented Year 7 cohort.  From sculpted clay to Picasso and Cubist inspired’ paintings, the colourful ensemble lit up the room.  The exhibition was a celebration of our students’ artwork completed during their first year at Charters.  

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Martha in 7H was just one of many students who enjoyed showing their families around the exhibition and sharing what they had been achieving in class to create their artwork, which ranged from autumn paintings to the Picasso project.

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Students across Year 7 have spent the term looking at different artist, and their work reflected the diverse range of techniques they had developed.  Visitors were encouraged to vote for their favourite pieces,which was a tough call with so many outstanding samples on display. The  artwork that received most votes from parents attending the exhibition, was created by Luca in 7F (shown below). His piece formed part of 'The Big Art Challenge' - an activity set for some of the classes to recreate a chosen artwork within a 50 minute time frame.  An ambitious project that saw students demonstrating both artistic skills and determination.

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Many thanks to the Art Department for the wonderful exhibition they pulled together, we are lucky to have a creative team to inspire our next generation of budding artists.  

The Art Department are raising funds to purchase a display cabinet so that current and future students have the most inspiring environment in which to display their creativity.  Thank you to everyone who made a donation at the exhibition, your support means a lot.  If you would like to make a donation to this, you can do so HERE.