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The Sunninghill Trust Sponsor Strategies For Success Day

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8th Jan 2024

We would like to thank The Sunninghill Trust for once again sponsoring the Year 11 The Strategies for Success Day. The motivational workshops, which will take place on Friday 19 January, are specifically designed for students taking GCSE examinations and highlight techniques and skills that can be used during this potentially stressful time.

This is the second year in a row that The Sunninghill Trust has fully funded the activity. The local charity was established in 1813 to provide winter fuel and ground for allotments for the poor and needy of the Parish, and was formerly known as the Fuel Allotment Trust. Today the charity is known as The Sunninghill Trust, and the organisation provides grants to individuals and groups in the local area for:

  • The relief of hardship
  • Assistance to the sick and elderly
  • The support of recreational and educational facilities

Please take a look at the charity's website and share their details with anyone in the local area that may be experiencing hardship.