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Mock COP26 Climate Change Conference

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8th Dec 2023

This week, four of our students represented Charters at the Mock COP26 Climate Change Conference which was held at Holme Grange School in Wokingham. The student delegates were tasked with representing countries from around the world, and had to work with other delegates to find solutions to tackle climate change.

CHampagne (46)

They discussed the impact that countries around the world have had in tacking climate change since the Paris Agreement which was signed in 2015, and together, find feasible solutions to some of the world's toughest problems.

Read Shalaka's report of the conference below:

I really enjoyed the Mock COP event at Holme Grange School, organised by Inter Climate Network charity, as we heard how different countries can work together to mitigate the impacts of climate change, as well as proposing solutions for oil producing countries to invest in renewable energy. Representing the Marshall Islands really brought to light how smaller nations are significantly impacted by the rising sea levels, and how they were limited in terms of resources to prevent flooding.

It was also beneficial to hear how we as a community, and individuals, could reduce our carbon footprint; such as separating soft and hard plastics and minimising food waste. It was fascinating to find out that not only is it worse for the environment to put waste food into landfill, but it costs four times the amount for councils to process general waste than it does compared to dedicated food waste recycling. The student led Eco society are working hard on improving the sustainability of the school as well as raising awareness of environmental issues.