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Year 9 Leadership Days

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16th Jun 2023

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All of Year 9 were off timetable on Tuesday as they participated in leadership activities as part of their Personal Development.

Teachers led sessions which expanded the students understanding of what is was to be a 'leader'.  They engaged in activities which included ones on fair play, leadership qualities, problem solving and the role of officials. All these skills were then tested in the last session of the day where each Tutor had created a sporting tournament themselves to compete in.

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When asked their thoughts on leadership, students Danah said "Leadership is all about building on what you have to make it better," and Alex added, "a good leader listens to their teammates."  Lucas agreed, "listening can help you be more efficient in executing what you need to do."

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Following on from the sessions on Tuesday, students were selected as leaders in the eight subjects involved - PE, Drama, MFL, Science, English, Maths, Music and Art. 

Students spent the remainder of the week working within those specific departments to improve their leadership skills.  Some students planned for sessions they could take during extra-curricular activities in 2023-2024 and others put their newly developed skills to the test by leading groups of Year 7 and 8 students.

See our Year 9s in action HERE

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A huge thank you to Mrs Hartwell for coordinating the entire cohort across the four days, not an easy task, and thank you also to all staff who supported the initiative and made it possible.