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Students Recreate Piece of Art

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26th May 2023

When  Mrs Welham , our Student Support Officer moved into her office in September, she felt it could do with a splash of colour on the walls, so I approached Mr Holmes in the Art department with an idea.

She showed him one of her favourite paintings - Woods Awaken by Canadian artist Tatiana Iliina which depicts silver birches amongst a colourful background, and they agreed that recreating the painting would make an interesting collaboration for Art Club.

The original and the inspiration for the painting:

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Under the expert guidance of Miss Wootton, Art Club set to work, painting the background a rainbow of colour and carefully collaging the silver birches on top. They decided to enhance the original by adding birds using wax crayons and watercolours to create a wax resist.

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Twitter Standard (14)After the Site Team carefully installed the giant board (around 2 x 1.5 metres!) in Mrs Welham's office last Wednesday, Art Club came up to view their artwork in situ. They were as delighted as Mrs Wellham was with their finished masterpiece, agreeing that working collaboratively to produce such a large piece was interesting and lots of fun.

Mrs Welham would like to thank Mr Holmes, Miss Wootten and all of Art Club who helped: Aala, Esmé, Lana, Amelia, Shushana, Evie G, Megan, Evie H, Nicole, Pola, Phoebe, Harrison, James, Elizabeth and Emma.

The final piece was fantastic:

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Mrs Welham is looking forward to their next project together!