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Students Present HPQs
This week the Year 10 students who are part of our Potential High Achievers programme have been presenting their HPQs.
HPQ stands for Higher Project Qualification and it has been designed to stretch and challenge students, especially those aspiring for University, by developing important academic skills required at higher education.
In conjunction with a supervisor from Royal Holloway University, students are taught how to develop essential research skills before writing their conclusion and delivering their final presentation.
Students are expected to plan, research and develop the argument of their chosen question themselves, and to gain the qualification students are asked to:
- Create a production log – a diary that logs the progress they have made throughout the year.
- Research a collection of sources and compile a bibliography that relates to their topic.
- Produce a 2000 word essay, answering their hypothesis for their chosen question.
- Plan and deliver a presentation which summarises their project and reflects on the project's outcomes.
As in previous years, the standard was extremely high, and project titles included: How does music psychologically affect sporting performance?, What is the biggest threat to NATO?, To what extent can recent technologies clean the ocean? and Should graffiti be considered art or vandalism?
We look forward to the students receiving their grades so that we can celebrate their achievements. Very well done to all those who took part and our thanks to Mrs Phipps for overseeing this enrichment opportunity.