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Attendance Award

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10th Feb 2023

This term's attendance prizes have been kindly sponsored by Herrington Carmichael Solicitors. The names of students in Years 7 to 11 who achieved 100% attendance for Term 3 were added to a draw and one name from each year group was selected to receive the Herrington Carmichael Attendance Prize. The five selected students each received a £25 gift voucher so that they can attend an open skate session at Ozone ice rink in Bracknell during the half term break with a friend of their choice.

Results Day 2022 (16)

These prizes are in addition to the Attendance Draw which takes place at the end of each term; the term is split into three fortnights, and students who achieve 100% attendance for any of the three periods are then entered into a draw to receive a treat. Those who are at school during all six weeks are entered three times, reducing to one entry into the draw if you are able to achieve one full fortnight of attendance. This process allows us to reward a large number of students.

Mr Fletcher said, 'I would like to thank Herrington Carmichael for sponsoring this term's Attendance Awards. Evidence shows that students perform better, and are more likely to succeed, when their attendance is good and the sponsorship from this local law firm has enabled us to reward one student in Years 7 to 11 who has exemplary attendance.'

Dan Reeves, Marketing Manager at Herrington Carmichael said, 'In 2022, Bonnetts Solicitors became Herrington Carmichael. Our success as a local law firm is thanks to the relationships we have built with our clients and the community projects we have been a part of over many years.'