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Learning to Work Options Presentation

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27th Jan 2023

Some Year 9 students were invited to take part in a Learning to Work Options Presentation this week to help them decide about their choices for their future.  One of the students who attended  has shared their thoughts. 

News report by Libby Year 9:

Last Thursday I went to a GCSE Pathways Presentation talk. The talk helped me to find out more about what I wanted to do. It helped me to learn what I was good at and what distracted me. What distracts me the most is noise and movement.

We had to answer questions which identified what types of learners we were; visual, auditory or kinesthetic which means learning by doing things. I was mostly a visual learner.

We discussed what options we could take for our GCSEs. I learned that you have to take the subjects that you think are important for you, for the job you want to do in the future. I want to be a helper for little kids in primary school because I think I would be good at helping children at school.

Later, we went through multiple choice questions and at the end it said what animal was mostly like you. I was a cat which means I mostly like to work alone and I prefer to explore the outdoors, which is true.

After the training, I felt more confident about picking my options and I knew what I wanted to take, as I had that job in mind. The trainers said keep three options in mind so if you cannot do one you can do the next one. This was a really helpful experience as it helped me think more about what options I should take for the job I want to do in the future.