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Hello Yellow 2022

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4th Oct 2022

World Mental Health Day is more commonly known as Hello Yellow, and students in our Sixth Form are busily preparing for the annual event which this year is taking place on 10 October. Thousands of institutions across the world encourage their communities to dress in yellow to show solidarity with those who are experiencing mental health issues and Charters School is no different.

Lauren, who is one of the school's Head Students said, "At Charters, Hello Yellow is a way for us to express to the school community the importance of discussing and being open about our mental health. It is a way for us to come together and recognise that 'It’s OK not to be OK'. "

Our Senior Students

Hello Yellow 2022 tw

Together with other members of the Senior Student Leadership Team, Lauren has been busy creating a framework of events for students to take part in. The team are delivering the message of Hello Yellow at assemblies throughout all year groups and we will be bringing you more information about the day in further news posts.

On the 10 October the students are asking all members of the Charters community to wear one yellow item of clothing such as a tie or socks.

They will also ask students to write what 'Hello Yellow' means to them on a yellow note. Every member of staff will also write a message on a brown seed and the Senior Students will make up a sunflower for each Year Group from the messages. 

Watch the students hard at work below...