Applied Science (BTEC)


To provide students with access to a broad but rigorous scientific education that opens doors for higher education and careers in science related fields. Students will study topics from across Biology Physics and Chemistry including many of those covered in the dedicated science A Levels.

This means:

  • Students will learn how scientific theories have developed over time, building on the understanding and research of others, and the importance of scientists working as a community in the pursuit of new knowledge. We will emulate this approach in the classroom.
  • We will build awareness of how scientific theory links to the varied occupations that require a foundation in scientific understanding to master.
  • Through scientific enquiry, including in coursework, they will learn to ask scientific questions and use the extensive practical facilities at Charters to collect data to come to valid conclusions themselves.
  • They will be encouraged to: hold their own point of view about scientific developments, articulate advantages and disadvantages, and broaden their awareness through research, debate and discussion.


The course aims to develop both knowledge of scientific concepts and skills, both science specific and more general. These skills will provide students with an excellent head start into either higher education or the world of work.

Transferrable skills developed through the Applied Science course include:

  • Reading scientific and technical texts
  • Effective writing
  • Analytical skills
  • Practical skills
  • Preparation for assessment methods used in degrees
  • The ability to learn independently
  • The ability to research actively and methodically
  • Being able to give presentations and being active group member

The content of this qualification has been developed in consultation with academics to ensure that it supports progression to higher education. Employers and professional bodies have also been involved and consulted to confirm that the content is appropriate and consistent with current practice for learners planning to enter employment directly in the applied science sector.


Learners will study four units across their two years of study including content from Physics, Biology and Chemistry.

  • Unit 1: Principles and Applications of Science I (Y12)
  • Unit 2: Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques (Y12)
  • Unit 3: Science Investigation Skills (Y13)
  • Optional Unit: Students will study one further unit in year 13, the unit to be studied is currently TBC but will likely be either a Chemistry or Biology topic.

Assessment is via exams for units 1 and 3 and via coursework for unit 2 and the optional unit. These assessments can be entered throughout the course, not just once at the end of year 13. Students do have the opportunity to improve their marks for assessments through retaking units and resubmission of coursework.


The minimum entry requirements for Charters Sixth Form can be viewed here



Take a look around the links below to find out where this exciting subject could lead.          

Complimentary Subjects

You can combine BTEC Applied Science with a mixture of BTECs and A Levels.

The skills obtained will compliment any other A Level or BTEC subjects. This course would link particularly well with the content with PE, psychology and geography.

You will not be able to study A Level Chemistry, Physics or Biology if you take BTEC Applied Science

Future Opportunities

Those interested in higher education at University would be able to apply for courses in:

  • Biomedical Science
  • Environmental Science
  • Forensic Science
  • Nutrition
  • Nursing
  • Sports Science (if combined with Physical Education)
  • Physiology
  • Radiography
  • Pharmacy

Alternatively you could choose to go straight into a career and your choices will be governed by your other choices at Charters Sixth Form. The content studied will be ideal for students who wish to go into professions such as blueprint drafter, medical technician, medical sonographer, dental hygienist, veterinary technician, computer repair technician, physical therapist assistant, construction foreman, systems engineer, and radiologic technologist.

Be Inspired by Exploring Further

A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson

A Short History of Nearly Everything is his quest to find out everything that has happened from the Big Bang to the rise of civilization - how we got from there, being nothing at all, to here, being us.

Online Clips: Minute Physics and NASA TV

This channel's videos use whiteboard animation to explain physics-related topics in approximately one minute.

Molecules of Murder: Criminal Molecules and Classic Cases by John Emsley

This book takes the reader on a journey of discovery into the world of dangerous organic poisons. "Molecules of Murder" describes ten highly toxic molecules which are of particular interest due to their use in notorious murder cases. Each chapter explores the discovery of the molecules, their chemistry and effects in humans, followed by a re-examination of their deliberate misuse in high profile murder cases!

Bad Science by Ben Goldacre

Since 2003 Dr Ben Goldacre has been exposing dodgy medical data in his popular Guardian column. In this eye-opening book he takes on the MMR hoax and misleading cosmetics ads, acupuncture and homeopathy, vitamins and mankind’s vexed relationship with all manner of ‘toxins’.