Further Mathematics
Mathematics students at Charters School will be equipped to deal with the mathematics they will encounter in everyday life. Students will be encouraged to be independent learners, and to develop the confidence and resilience to try different approaches in order to reach a solution. They will be analytical, logical and able to think critically, while developing the mathematical literacy needed to interpret problems and present their ideas coherently.
This means our students will be able to:
- Explain the reasoning behind mathematical processes, and incorporate problems which require students to demonstrate their understanding of the topic as well as their ability to apply the method
- Present challenges during lessons which require resilience and analytical thinking
- Model appropriate mathematical vocabulary and encourage mathematical literacy so students can correctly express their understandings
- Provide opportunities to work independently both during and out of lessons
- Interlink topics within the Mathematics curriculum and emphasise the mathematical links to different subject areas to ensure effective reinforcement of skills learnt
Further Mathematics provides the opportunity for students to extend and deepen their knowledge and understanding further, building beyond the standard A level course. Students will use their mathematical knowledge to make logical and reasoned decisions in solving problems both within pure mathematics and in a variety of contexts. Students will also be required to clearly communicate the mathematical rationale for their decisions. This course is studied in addition to the A level Mathematics course.
The course is assessed by four papers at the end of Year 13. All papers are 75 marks in total, 90 minutes long and count for 25% of the final grade. Papers 1 and 2 are Core Pure Mathematics, paper 3 is Further Pure 1 and paper 4 is Further Statistics 1. Calculators are a requirement for all papers.
The minimum entry requirements for Charters Sixth Form can be viewed here
Take a look around the links below to find our where this exciting subject could lead.
Complementary Subjects
Overwhelmingly, students taking Further Mathematics find it to be an enjoyable, rewarding, stimulating and empowering experience. For more able A level Mathematics students it enables them to distinguish themselves as able mathematicians both for university applications and in the employment market.
For students who enjoy Mathematics, it provides a challenge and a chance to explore new and/ or more sophisticated mathematical concepts.
Studying Further Mathematics
• Broadens their mathematical skills and promotes deeper mathematical thinking
• Helps ensure a successful progression to mathematics-based subjects at university
• Is a requirement for entry to prestigious mathematics-based courses at leading universities and improves their chances of an offer at many others
• Is a way to make their university application stand out
• Is not just for students who want to become engineers or physicists
Future Opportunities
Any student applying to study a science, technology, engineering, or other mathematics-related degree, such as economics, should consider taking Further Mathematics to at least AS level.
Be Inspired by Exploring Further
The biography of a mathematical genius. Paul Erdos was the most prolific pure mathematician in history and, arguably, the strangest too.
Advanced Problems in Mathematics: Preparing for University by Stephen Siklos
This book is intended to help candidates prepare for entrance examinations in mathematics and scientific subjects, including STEP (Sixth Term Examination Paper). STEP is an examination used by Cambridge colleges as the basis for conditional offers.
University of Cambridge, (Mathematics Faculty) Reading List
Recommended books for young people who are interested in Mathematics.
An unexpected way to inflate a balloon - Numberphile
Senior Mathematical Challenge archive