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Alumni Visit Sixth Form

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5th Jun 2024

It was such a lovely occasion this week when we welcomed back several members of our alumni. Some of them joined us in-person and some of them dialed in on Teams.

The ex-students chatted with Sixth Formers about the routes they had taken after their A Levels and it highlighted the fact that everyone's journey will be unique.

They explained that it was important not to 'follow the crowd' and that is's OK to take some time to decide what they really want to do.

Molly found that university was completely different from what she had expected, and that after three weeks she decided it wasn't for her. She returned home and worked at Lapland UK over the Christmas period, managing to get out on the golf course as much as possible as she still had a scholarship at Wentworth. With no clear idea of what she wanted to do, and the scholarship nearing its end, she asked if it could be extended and wasn't prepared for the answer... they told her that they wanted her to work for them! She's now a Marketing Executive at the world renowned Wentworth Club and couldn't be happier. Her story shows that life is there to be lived, and there's no 'wrong' decision if it feels right.

Josh completed a History degree at Bristol University and after graduating worked at a wealth management company until his student lease came to an end. He then travelled around Vietnam and began the process of applying for graduate schemes on his return, which he said was an arduous task! He explained that applying for jobs is a universal process and the best advice he could share was that it's good to be flexible. His dream job was to work for the Finacial Conduct Authority, but he took a role with Grant Thornton for six months. He's now working for the FCA and is loving it! 

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Lorcan and Tom have just finished their first year at university and told the Sixth Formers that cooking, washing and time management were all things that they would need to master if they were planning on becoming undergraduates. Jess told the students the importance of checking that courses had the correct accreditation, as she has just completed a Masters in Psychology prior to beginning doctorate-level training, and Brioni urged the students to join as many societies as possible as that's the best way to find friends with similar interests. 

Each ex-student had taken their own path and had a different story to tell, including studying Puppetry in the UK and Poland, and Music in Southampton. Their insights gave a broad overview of 'life after Charters' for our current Year 12 students.


We would like the thank the alumni for giving up their time and know we speak for the entire Year 12 cohort when we say how much their advise was appreciated.