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Last Day Laughs for Year 13s

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10th May 2024

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So there they all were, dressed in their mis-matched, too small uniforms, eating pastries and laughing out loud.  This is how our Year 13 students' last day kicked off as they attended the farewell breakfast on their final day in Sixth Form.

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After countless photos and much shirt-signing, the students reminisced about their past years at Charters; whether that be just two years in Sixth Form, or seven years since they first stepped through the 'big scary' gates of secondary school, and any other combination of time in-between.

The Leavers Assembly brought our Year 13 students together as a whole, for the very last time before public examinations commence next week.  Again memories were shared, photographs were laughed at and praises were given for this wonderful cohort.

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Head of Year 13, Mrs Singh said:

My special Year 13s- class of 2024,

What an incredible journey it has been!  This school, and this community, will always hold a special place for you. We wish you all the very best in your future endeavours. Congratulations, everyone! Here's to new beginnings and lifelong friendships.

We, your teachers, will miss seeing you in the Sixth Form. We are incredibly proud of the young adults you've become. Remember, the world needs your unique talents, your compassion, and your drive. Go out there and make a difference. Stay connected, keep in touch with your friends and teachers, and never forget the lessons learned within these walls. So, Class of 2024, with a bittersweet mix of emotions, we say goodbye. But remember, goodbye doesn't mean the end, it simply means a new chapter begins.

Congratulations, Class of 2024! Now, go forth and conquer the world!

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Head of Sixth Form, Mrs Hill agreed adding:

It is always a bittersweet moment when we say goodbye to our Year 13 students. Watching them grow in to the amazing young people they are is a real privilege. I am proud of all that they have done and wish them every success in the future. As they begin their next adventure we wish them well – Be the brightest star in your sky!

Then just like that, the ceremonies and rituals were over, and the crowd dispersed in a cloud of joy and excited anticipation, leaving the Common Room still and quiet.    

They will all be back of course over the next month or so to sit exams, and we wish them our very best wishes.  They have been an outstanding group of young adults, who have conducted themselves magnificently during their time in Sixth Form.  We look forward to hearing where their next path will take them when we see them again on Thursday 15 August for Results Day.

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