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Amazing Atlantic Challenge Shared in Assemblies

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3rd May 2024

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This week our students in Years 10 and 11 were inspired by a visit from two adventurers who are taking part in the 'World's toughest rowing race' this December.  Ed Shaw and Karl Austen, who is a Charters parent, will be setting off from La Gomera in the Canary Islands and rowing across the Atlantic Ocean to English Harbour in Antigua as one of 30+ international competitors in the 2Stroke Atlantic Challenge

Continuously rowing in two-hour shifts, they will propel their 24ft rowing boat a gruelling 3000 miles unaided through possibly storms, sharks, whales and marlins, enduring sore hands (and bottoms!), 40ft waves, no shower or toilet...and no Christmas presents! This incredible duo have been planning the challenge for the past three years and had not done any significant rowing before.  They had to be taught efficient techniques, develop their mental strength and learn survival skills as they will only have each other to depend on when out in the middle of the ocean.  At times they will be closer to the astronauts on the International Space Station than to another person on Earth!

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Ed and Karl shared the key to their success...Motivation, which is one of the Character Pillars our students have been learning about this week.  They said that in any challenge undertaken it is vital that you find the thing that motivates you, not what someone else has told you it should be, as this is the driving force that will help you complete your task. For Ed and Karl, they are hoping to raise over £50,000 for two charities close to their hearts - Dementia UK and Prostate Cancer UK and this, plus the gratification of completing a challenge such as this, is what pushes them on.

We are extremely grateful to them both for sharing their incredible story with our students, who listened keenly and asked thoughtful questions in the Q&A session following the assemblies.  

You can follow Ed and Karl's progress via Instagram or to make a donation to their initiative you can visit their sponsorship page HERE

We wish them every success for this fantastic challenge and look forward to hearing all about the adventure next year on their return.

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